The Countere Guide to Rerocking Cocaine
Half-kilogram of cocaine worth $16,500. Photo credit: the author. Art by Tanzanian Wojak
Editor’s note: Certain stories on Countere deal with activities and devices which would be in violation of various Federal, State, and local laws if actually carried out or constructed. The editors of this magazine do not advocate the breaking of any law. Our stories are for informational purposes only.
There are three broad grades of cocaine.
The lowest grade of cocaine is fully powderized nonsense that is typically 50% pure at most, maybe as low as 15% to 20% pure. Most of the time this is what most consumers who buy grams get. This grade is difficult to sell in bulk though, because even your mildly savvy buyers will be aware that it is some bullshit.
The highest grade of cocaine is a beautiful shiny clay rock that we will call ‘raw.’ Typically the purity of raw is 80% to 97% pure. 80% raw typically was cut with amphetamines and/or levamisole (a deworming agent) before the cocaine paste was first compressed into rectangular 1-kilogram bricks in a South American jungle lab.
Raw ‘bricks’ of cocaine are frequently referenced in rap lyrics, and are stamped on one side, as opposed to heroin bricks which are often stamped on both sides (at least in my experience). I’ve seen lots of swastikas stamped onto fresh bricks of raw cocaine, as well as an Audi symbol, Nintendo characters, random initials like RM, and the Donnie Darko bunny.
The margins of selling raw yiggity-yak are typically not so good because of a market inefficiency where the price of cocaine varies only slightly by purity; a raw ounce and some bullshit may easily both be $1200. I’ve seen raw sold directly to consumers in a few places where cocaine is cheap and plentiful (like Miami); even in DC I knew a kid who would sell raw grams for $140 —shiny little pebbles that their consumers would crush themselves.
What is an aspiring Tony Montana to do if he wants to boost his profit margin by cutting his product, but still have it be a shiny rock that flies off the proverbial shelves? The answer is that he needs to read this step-by-step guide to rerocking cocaine.
Rerocking cocaine is a method to cut cocaine while keeping it in rock form, as rock cocaine is more valuable than powder cocaine. Although rerocked cocaine isn’t as soft or shiny as true raw rock cocaine, cutting cocaine and rerocking it is an indispensable tool for any player in the game.
Step I
Once you’ve acquired pure cocaine—a far more difficult and treacherous endeavor than the rest of this process, and one you will need to figure out on your own—you’ll want to cut it. Go to a supplement store like GNC or Vitamin Shoppe to buy a liver health supplement called inositol (pro-tip: it’s twice as expensive at GNC). The inositol they sell on Amazon should be avoided no matter how cheap it is because it generally contains cellulose which is food for bacteria and it will turn your cocaine brown with a disgusting mold layer a couple days after you use it. I have seen this happen multiple times to people who ignored my advice. An alternative option is to use creatine, but inositol has a slightly better consistency for chopping drugs.
Next decide how much weight (inositol) you want to add. This really depends on your clientele, but most people go with a 1:1 cut of inositol to cocaine. I only ever sold rerocked cocaine to lower dealers on the supply chain, many of whom were going to cut it some more, so I kept the quality high.
Put your inositol and cocaine in a coffee grinder reserved specifically for cutting drugs—your coffee will not taste good if you grind coffee beans in it afterwards. At this point, you can also mix in a sprinkling of boric acid flakes to make the cocaine shinier (the more boric, the more shiny), benzocaine and/or lidocaine to give the cocaine a numbing quality (no more than 1/8th of the total weight), and (a little bit of) amphetamines to give the cocaine more of a kick. After a minute or so in the grinder your cocaine will be a very fine powder.
Step II
You now need to thoroughly spray your grinded cocaine with pure acetone so it sticks back together and becomes a rock again. You can find pure acetone at Home Depot; if you use lower-grade acetone, the cocaine won’t stick together properly.
There is a balance here that needs to be maintained. If you spray too little acetone, your cocaine will not stick together in a rock. The more you use, though, the more the coke will smell like nail polish remover. That’s okay, because fire blow smells like gasoline, which smells like nail polish remover. But if you spray too much acetone, the cocaine will smell like Everclear, which is no good.
Step III
In order to turn this wet powder into a rock, you need to apply a lot of pressure for an extended time. Some people like to put the cocaine into a twisted undershirt or large sock to give it a marbled texture similar to a stamped brick of cocaine, but this can also give it a weird smell and taste so it’s a trade-off.
I typically triple-bagged the cocaine and placed the largest speakers I could find over it. Make sure to use authentic Ziploc plastic bags—don’t skimp with the genetics or else the seals will break. The downside of this is flat rocks. I have also seen people put it under the wheel of their car, or use a canna clamp which is a tool for turning weed into wax.
Step IV
Wait four to eight hours. (The longer the better, honestly.)
Step V
Remove your new rock of cocaine from whatever heavy object you’ve placed it under. If there’s still remaining moisture from the acetone, leave it out to dry.
Photos courtesy of the author.
Step VI
Congratulations! You now have rerock cocaine. Sell it.
Grams of rerocked cocaine will go from $60-100. Ounces of rerocked cocaine will go from $900-1400.
Step VII
If you paid $10,000 for a quarter brick of raw (average East Coast price), followed this guide, and sold only ounces of rerocked cocaine for $1200 each, you would yield $21,428—more than doubling your money in anywhere from a day to a few weeks depending on how jumping your trap is.