Controversial Opinion: Steroids Work


Editor’s note: Certain stories on Countere deal with activities and devices which would be in violation of various Federal, State, and local laws if actually carried out or constructed. The editors of this magazine do not advocate the breaking of any law. Our stories are for informational purposes only.

Author’s note: Steroids, if abused, like any other drug, can lead to many health issues. Just like drinking copious amounts of alcohol or chain smoking cigarettes. I won't go into the health risks or even what dosages are safe as I am by no means a steroid guru—that’s why we have Google. I will, however, speak on the advantages I gained from my use of steroids.

I remember being in high school learning about steroids in a ‘health class.’ They were showing us post-Bush presidency, anti-steroid propaganda films pushed out to the masses after MLB baseball players were outed for their use of anabolic steroids. The video was a short account about a young man named Taylor Hooton.

A 17-year-old high school baseball star who had everything going for him, who sadly killed himself after coming off steroids. At least that was the story we were told. Conveniently, the video failed to mention the poor kid was already struggling with depression, was on multiple antidepressants, and was instructed by his psychiatrist to quit steroids cold turkey (a major no-no!).

I never considered steroids after watching that short film. I also couldn’t have cared less. I wasn't into any sports or weightlifting, so the idea of using ‘gear’ (steroids) had absolutely no appeal.

It wasn't until I graduated that I started lifting. At first I was a natty (‘natural body’) fanatic. I thought lifting natural gave me the moral high ground over people who used steroids. 

However, as I spent more time in the gym, I got to interact more with the gear heads. I started to realize that they weren't the roid raging psychopaths that my ‘health class’ warned me about. These were average, hardworking people who just enjoyed lifting heavy weights and looking like a God forged from blood, sweat and iron.


My relationship with lifting would eventually evolve more into an obsession. I loved everything about the activity. The pain, the grunts, the skin-tearing pumps, the sound the steel plates made when they rattled on the bar—it was all so mesmerizing. Back then you would find me at the gym at all hours of the day. It was my sanctuary and I never got tired of it. Unfortunately, as we all know, the grass doesn't stay green forever. 

After about 6 years of lifting I hit a heavy slump. Not in the gym, but in life. I was 24-years-old, working a physically demanding blue-collar job, putting in 80 to 90 hour work weeks—the oil and gas industry is no joke fellas!—not sleeping well, and experiencing lack of motivation. It felt like I was living in a motionless fog. I started to think “Maybe I’m depressed..?”

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I still have no clue about the cause of my malaise. But it sent me down a path of independent research which eventually led me to the holy grail of hormones: testosterone. I found out that in some cases of depression, testosterone actually helps with motivation, drive, energy and even fat loss (but is by no means a fat burner). 

Using that information as an excuse, I decided that I’d hop on my first ‘cycle’. ‘Cycle’  refers to a combination of anabolic steroids over a fixed period of time. Cycles typically last anywhere from 6 weeks to 12 weeks although some people like to push the envelope and keep a cycle going far beyond the recommended amount of time.

Finding a roid-plug was almost effortless. I already knew all the gear heads in the gym—the only catch was most of them were cops or firefighters. I’m no Einstein but I’m definitely not dumb enough to ask a cop where he gets his steroids. So I waited and watched from the shadows.

Eventually I noticed that all the jacked dudes would approach and speak to the same guy at some point during their workouts. It became clear that this was the roid-plug I was looking for. Luckily I was pretty familiar with this person already—he was there almost as much as I was. 

One day, after an intense early afternoon arm workout—had to beat the after-work crowd—I approached him. I asked if he knew where to get some gear and without any restraint he told me he could get me some. I remember thinking “Wow that was easy.” 

Taking advice from my roid-plug, as well as applying the vast amount of knowledge I gained from all the underground steroid message boards I pulled up on Google, I thought that an appropriate starting dose would be 250mg’s (micrograms) of testosterone cypionate (otherwise known as ‘test-cyp’) per week, which would be a simple 1cc (cubic centimeters) syringe shot in whatever area of my body I chose. I didn't want to start off any higher so I’d have room to step up the dose in case I wasn’t getting results. However due to a small mishap on my part—reading the syringe wrong—my dose for the first few weeks was actually smaller than intended and I was running only 150mg’s per week.

Even with such a small dose, after about two weeks, my entire world went from being a dismal enigma to one of flourishing hope and clarity. I felt great. My motivation was back. My drive was back. I was coherent and decisive. On top of all that, I was killing it in the gym. 

The pumps I felt during my workouts at this dose were out of this world. I was making gains every week. I didn't even bother to up my dose, the results I was seeing were more enough to keep me satisfied. My conditioning was great too. I was lean and my muscles were looking full. Because of this my confidence shot through the roof. I felt like a 10/10 in all aspects of being. 

I knew that I would have to come ‘off cycle’ at some point, so while I was on cycle I took mental notes. I internalized the integrity, dedication, fortitude, and sense of purpose I was feeling from the testosterone racing through my veins. I wanted to keep the mentality after the cycle was over and continue to live life at a higher standard.

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It worked. I came off cycle, the proper way of course—always have your post cycle therapy (PCT) lined up. After my last injection I waited 2 weeks and then began the PCT protocol. I took 20mg’s (milligrams) of Nolvadex for the first 2 weeks, then lowered my dose to 10mgs for the following 2 weeks. Without running a post cycle therapy, you risk the chance of never fully recovering hormone production and stability, most notably testosterone production.

Testosterone—sprinkled with some oral ‘dbol’ (Dianabol) pre-workout to add a little extra protein synthesis—changed my life for the better and helped shape my mentality to that of a winner. I didn't lose much gains after cycle, but my doses of testosterone were lower than average so that might have made it easier for my body to hold onto them. I also kept hitting it just as hard at the gym and staying consistent on my diet. Oftentimes I see people come off gear and drop the ball on everything until the next cycle.

I did a few cycles since my first, but it’s been about 3 years since I’ve used any gear (it’s getting tempting though). I’d say if you go in using gear as a tool, not a crutch, and don't abuse it, you can make some pretty solid gains physically and mentally. That being said, if you’re still in your teens or early 20’s, don't even think about touching the stuff. Let nature run its course. Also if you're a psycho with anger issues or have schizo tendencies I’d strongly recommend you stay away from gear.

As informative as this may (or may not) have been, there is still much to learn in the path to lifter-enlightenment. Maybe once your androgen receptors are well primed and you’ve become more than familiar with the way of the roid-warrior we can talk about the next step in anabolic ascension, the forbidden fruit: MMTP (muscle mommy tren piss…)!!

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Dark Iron Gains

Highly motivated community fitness enthusiast spreading positivity.


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